Graduation: Medical University of Semmelweis in Budapest 1976
Specialist of Rheumalogy and Physical medicine in1980
Ph.D degree in 1999(Physical Medicine)Habilitation 2004(Pyhisical Medicine),2010 Doctor of Science(Balneology)
Place of work:1976-2000(National Institue of Reumatology and Physiotherapy)Head of the physical departement From 2000 - today: Hospitaller Brother of St John of God-Head of the Physical departement(main job) From 2005 - today: Professor of the Univeristy of Szentgyörgyi Albert in Szeged (second job)
Tutorial activity:Teaching Physical medicine for medical students in english and hungarian in the University of Szeged Graduted and post gradueted teaching in the university of Szeged and Budapest Education of Phsyiotherapist in Budapest Post graduted course for orthopedics,physical medicine doctors and rehumatologist
Publications: Number of published articles:115, Number of published books:4, Number of book’s chapter:6
Scientific Societies: From 1997- 2011 President of the Hungarian Balneological Society, from 2011 - today: Vice President From 2002-2008 President of the International Society of Medical Hydrology (ISMH), from 2008 - today: Vice President From 1992 - today: Member of the executive committee of the Hungarian Rheumatolgical Society From 2001 Hungarian reperesentative of the UEMS (European union of medical specialist - in the field of physical medicine and rehabilitation board) From 2011 - today: Chair of the Permanent Working Group of Balneology Member of the working group of WHO (balneology) Adviser member of OMTh (World Organisation of Themalism) 1996-2001 FEMTEC (vice president of the medical section) (Federation Medical Thermal and Climatology)
Honoray member (Turkish Spa and Balneological Society, French Hydological Society, Portugal Hydrological Society)
Advisory board member of (Turkish Rehumatology Journal, Fizioterapia em Movimento (brasil), Rumanian Balneological Journal, Polish Balneological Journal, Research in Complementary Medizin, Türkie Kliniki, Turkish reumatology journal) President of Hungarian Balneological Research Foundation